Vieste – Tremiti San Nicola
Find out the timetables and fares for Vieste-Tremiti and book your ticket
When do you want to leave?
Choose the time slot you prefer and find out the timetables, fares and information for your departure.
Select the period
(from16 July to the31 August 2024)
Tremiti (S. Nicola)
- 09:10 Everyday
Tremiti (S. Nicola)
- 17:30 Everyday
High season
- One way Roundtrip A/R
- Adults € 20 € 40
- Children (2-12 years) € 11 € 22,00
- Luggage (per piece) € 3,00 € 6,00
- Diving equipment € 4,00 € 8,00
To the above rates it is necessary to add € 2.50 for each adult and 1.00 for each child as a landing fee in Tremiti
Reductions for groups (minimum 20 pax)