RUNS WITH CAPRI EXPECTED ONLY AT EASTERCollegamenti per Capri ridotti nel periodo pasquale 2021 a causa del persistere dell’emergenza epidemiologica.
Connections with Capri NLG, at sea only with safetyLa NLG-Navigazione Libera del Golfo, tiene a specificare, nel caso CE ne fosse ancora bisogno, che i collegamenti marittimi con l'isola di Capri e con qualunque altra località servita dalla compagnia, avvengono solo in condizioni meteo marine di ragionevole sicurezza.
COMMUNICATION OF TIMETABLE CHANGES JANUARY 2021Among the precautions contained in the guide there is the recommendation not to board the ships if you have flu symptoms, to respect the social distancing of at least one meter, to sit exclusively in the assigned seats etc.
COMMUNICATION OF THE NEW PLAN OF CONNECTIONS WITH CAPRI FORESEEN FOR THE CHRISTMAS PERIODDue to the epidemiological emergency due to Covid 19 and the consequent limitation of the movements provided for by the Prime Minister's Decree of 03/12/2020 which based on art 1 com. 2 D.L. December 2 N 158, states: