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Online ticketing regulation

Art. 1
The object of this contract is the carriage of passengers and accompanying luggage as governed by art.396 and
following of the Navigation Code.
Art. 2
The passage ticket is personal, not transferable to others, and is valid only and exclusively for the day and the run
In the ports of POSITANO AMALFI SORRENTO CAPRI AND NAPLES, check-in can be done directly at boarding .

In all other ports The mail-ticket holder must compulsorily report to the Social Ticketing Office of the port of embarkation, at least 20 minutes before the scheduled departure, to check in and obtain the Boarding-Pass necessary for embarkation.
In fact, it is not allowed to board with only the mail-ticket.
Once the deadline for presentation at check-in has passed, the reservation lapses, and the passenger will be placed on the waiting list. You may board only if there are vacant seats on board.
Article 4
1. A ticket purchased online is changeable upon passenger request at NLG’s stopover ticket offices and by using the change link on the NLG website (link MB2C). At the ticket office, the change can be for time and date of departure ( except for Tour tickets for which change of departure date is possible only online). NB. There are no partial changes to the booking

2. Agencies with accredited statements can make the change directly at the B2B portal, in the booking management section.

3. Online change can only be made within 2 hours prior to the time of the purchased ticket.

4. The fee schedule is arranged as follows:
a. If the change is requested within 24 hours prior to departure, the cost of the time and/or date change is €5 per ticket;
b. If the change is requested in the 24 hours prior to departure, the cost of the time and/or date change is 10 euros per ticket; Online ticket changes using the link can concern route, time and date of departure.
c. If the change relates to a route change, there is an additional cost of 3 euros, to be added to the costs under (a) and b).

5. Additional surcharges on the above costs may depend on the list price of the ticket (e.g., in the event of changing a ticket subject to a regional fare to a full-fare ticket). In case of negative list difference, the remaining deficit will not be refunded.

6. Ticket changes cannot be made for Groups, in which case it is necessary to contact the ticket office or the relevant salesperson.

7. Changes made at the ticket office are always subject to a fee of 5 euros per person each way and can be requested up to the purchased departure time.

Article 5
1. Online ticket purchase is cancellable within 48 hours prior to scheduled departure via the “Cancellation” section of our website or through the link (MB2C link) if purchased on our website. For tickets purchased on web portals or from travel agencies, it is necessary to send the refund request to the web support of the portal or travel agency. NB. There are no partial cancellations at booking

2. A passenger who has made a request for cancellation within 48 hours prior to departure is entitled to a refund of the amount paid with a 30% deduction from the cost of the ticket as a penalty and excluding booking fees; after this time limit, it will not be possible to request a refund.

3. In case of cancellation of the paid ride due to technical reasons or marine weather conditions, the passenger is entitled to compensation for the full amount paid upon request by e-mail to rimborsi@nlg.it or after filling out the form on the website if purchased through our website. For tickets purchased on web portals or from travel agencies, it is necessary to send the refund request to the web support of the portal or travel agency.In case the check-in with withdrawal of boarding passes has already been done, the customer is required to keep the unused boarding passes and attach them to the refund request email. Requests without proof of intact boarding passes will not be accepted.

4. In case of psycho-physical inability of the passenger, the passenger is entitled to full reimbursement upon production of hospital medical certificate.

5. Submitting a cancellation request by 11:59 p.m. on the day the reservation was made guarantees the passenger refund of the full amount when exercising the right to cancel.

6. Refund amounts will be remitted by the company to the address the passenger indicates in the cancellation e-mail. Tickets purchased online at the official NLG website at the link www.nlg.it will be refunded with a reversal of the amount due to the credit card used to purchase them.

Claims arising from the contract of carriage of persons, luggage and vehicles shall be time-barred with the lapse of the time limits stipulated in Articles 4.1.8 and 4.3.8 of the Navigation Code (given below).

Art. 5.1.8 PRESCRIPTION:The rights arising from the contract of carriage of persons and unchecked baggage shall be prescribed with the lapse of six months from the ‘arrival of the passenger at the destination or, in case of non-arrival, from the day on which the passenger should have arrived.
The rights deriving from the contract for the transport of checked baggage expire one year from the delivery of the baggage or, in the event of loss, from the day on which it should have been returned.
In transports that start out of Europe or countries bordering the Mediterranean, the limitation of the rights indicated in the preceding paragraphs takes place after one year.

Rights arising from the contract of carriage of goods shall be prescribed by the lapse of six months from the redelivery of the goods, and, in the case of total loss, from the day on which the goods should have arrived at their destination or, in the case of carriage of certain goods, from the day specified in Article 4.5.6.
In carriage beginning or ending outside Europe or the countries washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the prescription shall be completed by the lapse of one year.

Parcels containing personal effects are considered luggage, and therefore may be taken on board with the passenger.
Small parcels, backpacks and small bags, however, not exceeding the weight of Kg.5 are free of charge.
On the other hand, suitcases, travel bags and similar items are taxable at the relevant rate. The price of the ticket-baggage remunerates only the sea passage of the same. Embarkation, disembarkation, accommodation on board and custody of the same during navigation are the sole responsibility of the passenger.

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